Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is consuming my placenta safe?

    I wouldn’t offer my services if I didn’t feel 100% confident in the product that I make. Safety is my biggest concern, I have been thoroughly trained on how to safely prepare your placenta for consumption and most importantly when NOT to. I am certified through Women’s Choice Perinatal Services and completed an OHSA compliant blood borne pathogens course specifically created for placenta encapsulation specialists.

    There is only one placenta processed at at time so there is no risk of contamination.

    We follow all OSHA guidelines for sanitation of all work spaces between clients.

  • If I have a medicated birth, cesarean section can I still use my placenta for encapsulation and the other placenta therapies?

    Yes, you can still use your placenta if you have a cesarean birth as long as your placenta has not been sent to pathology prior to our collection. I recommend you have your Placenta Kit ready to store upon birth. Please remind your nurse and doctor that you are taking your placenta and complete the release form.

  • What if I am Strep-B positive or have an infection and need antibiotics, will I still be able to use my placenta?

    Strep-B, GBS or any other vaginal infection requires you request only TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) capsules only. This means we will steam your placenta before encapsulation to ensure the bacteria from your infection is killed before dehydrating your placenta

  • How many capsules will my placenta make?

    On average placentas make between 85-190 size '00' capsules depending on the type of method you choose and the size of your placenta.

  • How long should I take my placenta capsules for?

    You can take your placenta capsules for as long as you feel you need them.

  • I’m not so sure my placenta capsules are working, how do I know?

    Try skipping a day or dose and see if you feel any different, then you’ll know if there really is a change or not.

  • What are the directions for taking my placenta capsules?

    Days 1-5: 3 capsules, 2 times per day

    Days 6-10: 2 capsules, 2 times per day

    Days 10+: 2 capsules, 1 time per day

  • What if I give birth prematurely?

    Premature births are often associated with problems in pregnancy. As long as your placenta is examined and cleared from any type of abnormality after birth we are happy to help you with our placenta services.

  • How is the placenta prepared for encapsulation?

    Raw Start Dehydration Method

    Your placenta is thinly sliced then placed onto dehydrator for 12 -14 hours, ground into powder form, placed into capsules then packaged for delivery to you!

    Traditional Chinese Method
    The placenta is steamed with lemon, ginger and cayenne pepper, (Raw capsules skip this process) for 30 minutes, to kill off any bacteria. Next, your placenta is thinly sliced, dehydrated, ground and placed into capsules, tincture, and/or mom and baby balm.

  • Are there any circumstances when it would not be possible to use the placenta for encapsulation or other placenta remedies?

    Yes, if your placenta has been sent to pathology in hospital for any reason we cannot make your placenta into capsules because it may have been contaminated while in the pathology department.

    You can request the hospital to take just a small piece of your placenta for examination in this instance.

    I also do not recommend using your placenta for encapsulation if your placenta has not been stored properly after birth. See storage guidelines below.

  • How do I store my placenta safely after birth?

    When you decide to use us as your encapsulators, we will ship you a placenta collection/shipping kit. Along with following the directions provided in your kit, make sure to let your nurse know you are taking your placenta. You will sign a release form, then have your nurse add your placenta into the biohazard bag then the leak proof container provided .

    Your placenta can be kept at room temperature up to 4 hours after birth. Please put on ice or in a fridge/freezer as soon as you can and store in a cooler bag on ice or in a refrigerator/freezer at home. You should contact me, your placenta specialist, soon after your birth to ensure your placenta is collected within 24 hours. If shipping you will wait until your placenta is completely frozen, then ship overnight, following the instructions provided in your kit.

  • General Information

    Store in a cool, dry place (not the refrigerator). 

    You may set aside 10-20 pills for your first postpartum menstrual cycle, these may be stored in the freezer (in a freezer bag).

    Adapt your dosage as needed, this may include taking an extra capsule one day, or skipping a dose

    Consider taking with food to reduce the risk of an upset stomach.  

    Do not take more than 9 capsules in a 24 hour period

    In the case of a headache or oversupply, decrease the dosage.  

    Do not take during times of illness or infection.  

    When you notice that you are near the end of your supply, gradually decrease in your intake of capsules

    After 6 weeks, double bag any remaining capsules and store into a deep freezer to prolong freshness.